Non-Gun-Free Zone - University of Utah
Three years into a Non-Gun-Free zone at the University of Utah, and surprise, no shootouts. In fact, a freshman there did not know that there was a concealed carry law, and didn't even "see the need for it." I personally feel that it is precisely because of the carry law that there is no need for it. But who knows. From Dr. Helen:
It's the circle of need - things are going well, so you take away the very thing that ensured your past success.Shockingly, So Far, No Gun Battles Have Begun
The University of Utah is the only college that allows concealed carry on campus:For decades, the University of Utah banned concealed weapons.So Timmy Allin was feeling all safe and cozy until some reporter told him about the danger that lurked at his university--law abiding citizens with guns. If the legislation for concealed carry passed in 2004 and there have been no shoot outs thus far since last year, when will the trouble begin? And now poor Timmy will spend his waking hours fearful not of the potential criminals who might do harm to students and others on campus, but of his fellow students and faculty who carry legally who "might be trouble." How troubling.
"Our view was that there was an increased risk of both accidental and intentional discharge of a firearm if more firearms are present," said spokesman Fred Esplin. "It was a matter of safety."
But in 2004 the Legislature passed a law expressly saying the university is covered by a state law that allows concealed weapons on state property. The university challenged the law, but the Utah Supreme Court upheld it last year.
Utah is easily one of the most conservative states, and the Legislature is dominated by Republicans, many of whom have a libertarian streak. Utah has no motorcycle helmet law, for example, and there is strong affection for the Second Amendment.
The carrying of guns at the university worries students like Timmy Allin, a freshman on the tennis team from Dallas who feels safe on the 28,000-student urban campus. Allin was not aware weapons were allowed on campus until told by a reporter. "I don't see the need for one up here, so that could only lead to trouble," he said.