Digital Irony - Wikileaks Edition

In an astonishing display of Digital Irony (or should I say Chutzpah?) the man responsible for the publishing of hundreds of thousands of major diplomatic secrets, which have almost definitely cost lives, and whose secrets may yet start wars, has asked in court to keep his home address secret...
Maybe it's Digital Karma?
From The Daily Mail via JammieWearingFool:
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange tried to hide his bail address from the public in an astonishing move for the man responsible for leaking thousands of diplomatic secrets.
Assange's lawyers argued that the location - a 10-bedroom stately home - should not be disclosed on grounds of privacy during yesterday's hearing at City of Westminster Magistrates' Court.
But the move was dismissed by District Judge Howard Riddle, who ruled not to reveal the address would conflict with Assange's commitment to open justice.
The judge insisted the address - Captain Vaughan Smith's Ellingham Hall on the Norfolk/Suffolk border - was read out in open court as usual.
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