Friday, August 26, 2005

Michael Yon: The Gates of Fire

The top leaders of the Deuce Four: CSM Robert Prosser and LTC Erik Kurilla making the call to Daniel's Mom outside the hospital

The future of news is here in the form of the awesome writing talent and bravery of Michael Yon. Yon is an independent journalist who is self-funded and creates his income by voluntary donations (and possibly by radio interviews, too). At the bottom of his articles is a button to help him continue his fine work. I encourage you all to help him out.

That being said, let the fireworks begin: The Gates of Fire.

Update: I have just finished this rather long dispatch, and I can call it nothing less than monumental. I felt like I was there fighting in Iraq, I felt the losses, I felt the pulse of the street. Thank you, Michael Yon, for your sheer bravery and heartfelt writing. Please keep up the great work.


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