Sunday, August 28, 2005

ROP Strikes Again - Suicide Bombing in Be'er Sheva

An ambulance evacuates the wounded from the scene of the bombing.
Photo: Channel 2

The Religion of Peace strikes again with a suicide bombing in the bus station in Be'er Sheva. No one was killed, but two guards are very seriously hurt. An alert bus driver alerted the guards to the suspicious arab.

Besides doing nothing, the paleos are threatening violence if we don't roll over and stop living. Until the cessation of life in any Jew, they will not rest. There are two things we could do: We could walk into the Mediterranean Sea like lemmings, or we can fight. I chose to take the fight to them (only the bad guys) and offer no alternative other than complete surrender. There is no middle ground when dealing with people who want to see your entire people dead, even at the expense of their own lives as well as their children's.


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