Condoleezza Rice's Commanding Clothes
Condi is getting my vote in 2008. Is she running for office? I don't care, I'm voting for her anyways.

Welcome! My Blog focuses on security and political news, current events, and technology happenings.
Condi is getting my vote in 2008. Is she running for office? I don't care, I'm voting for her anyways.
VDH - The king of telling the world what Yishai Mendelsohn feels but can not articulate.
...we should not deprecate the danger of our enemies, who are cruel and ingenious. Moreover, we should never confuse the sharp dissent of the well-meaning critic with disloyalty to the cause.
But nor should we fall into pessimism, when in less than four years we have destroyed the two worst regimes in the Middle East, scattered al Qaeda, avoided another promised 9/11 at home, and sent shock waves of democracy throughout the Arab world — so far at an aggregate cost of less than what was incurred on the first day of this unprovoked war. Car bombs are bad news, but in the shadows is the real story: The terrorists are losing, and radical reform, the likes of which millions have
never seen, is right on the horizon...
DEBKAfile: "DEBKAfile's Military Sources Report Exclusively: Israel will relinquish Philadelphi Route along Gazan-Egyptian border. Its troops to be withdrawn in six months under protocols Egypt and Israel will sign soon.
I'm still working on that quantum paper. It is very interesting. Basically, you can change the behavior of particles just by knowing something. You got that? The fact that you have knowledge of the particle's path, changes its behavior. No touching, messing with, or sneezing on the particle is needed. It somehow 'knows' a whether or not it's path is known by someone, and will consequently behave differently.
An article from this month's Science is far out, and I will let you know if and when I come around to understanding it. In any case, here is the abstract (note the Israeli First Author!)
Time and the Quantum: Erasing the Past and Impacting the Future
Yakir Aharonov1,2 and M. Suhail Zubairy
The quantum eraser effect of Scully and Dru¨hl dramatically underscores the difference between our classical conceptions of time and how quantum processes can unfold in time. Such eyebrow-raising features of time in quantum mechanics have been labeled ‘‘the fallacy of delayed choice and quantum eraser’’ on the one hand and described ‘‘as one of the most intriguing effects in quantum mechanics’’ on the other. In the present paper, we discuss how the availability or erasure of information generated in the past can affect how we interpret data in the present. The quantum eraser concept has been studied and extended in many different experiments and scenarios, for example, the entanglement quantum eraser, the kaon quantum eraser, and the use of quantum eraser entanglement to improve microscopic resolution.
Dollar falls amid fears central banks diversifying. (Hat tip: Charles Johnsohn via Eric Cartman’s Conscience.)
On the surface, things are looking pretty bleak in Israel. I have been spinning my wheels trying to find a positive spin on the evictions from Gaza; I have come up with this:
Maybe I would get more readers if I actually posted some new stuff once in a while. Problem is, you see, I'm too busy reading Charles over at Little Green Footballs to have any time for my own posting.
Special guest Safia Taleb al-Souhail (L-Bottom) hugs the mother of a fallen Marine Janet Norwood (C) while first lady Laura Bush (C-Bottom) applauds and William Norwood (Top-R), shakes hands with Marine Staff Sergeant John Manuel Martinez (Top-L) during U.S. President George W. Bush's State of the Union address at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, February 2, 2005. Norwood's son Marine Corps Sergeant Byron Norwood of Pflugerville, Texas was killed during the assault on Fallujah, and he was honored during President Bush's speech. REUTERS/Jason Reed
There was a little 'scuffle', if you will, after the lengthly hug. Janet Norwood was seen later holding a lone dog tag with no chain. I and others think she gave Safia the other one of her son's dog tags and chain.
If your eyes didn't at least mist up during that hug, then you're not human.
lgf: State of the Union: Topic Two: "State of the Union: Topic Two "